
For the last 30 years, the UNDP has published the Human Development Report (HDR) every year to measure well-being around the world and across different societies and economies. With Terra’s help, the organization broke from its traditional PDF format and launched an award-winning microsite that engaged readers with dynamic multimedia storytelling.
Report 2019
Shedding light on the unpleasant truths and lifelong impacts of global inequalities.
Report 2020
Redefining key human development metrics for the Anthropocene.
Report 2022
Finding innovative ways to shape the future in an uncertain world.
Global Impact ·
Global Impact ·
Global Impact ·
Global Impact ·

“The Thunderfoot team has a unique ability to transform complex content into an engaging, accessible online format.”
Admir Jahic, Manager, HDR Production

These reports have been mentioned by over 2,300 global media outlets and seen by people in 220 countries and territories.
All-time visitors
Designing for
A Worldwide Audience
Designing a microsite for worldwide viewership requires special consideration of core UX/UI elements. Our web design and development team worked closely with stakeholders to ensure the site met the UN’s target specifications, such as support for multiple languages, thoughtful iconography, and accessibility for low-bandwidth users in developing nations.